Gavriil Malysh 1945
“As an employee of the Frunze district committee of the party from 1942 to 1946 in the department of agitation and propaganda, I carried out all the visual agitation of the district, calling for the defense of the motherland from the German fascists.
My responsibility was to carry out all the instructions of the visual agitation department that came from the whole area. These were: plants, factories, institutions, I carried out a large number of slogans, wall newspapers, posters calling for selfless work in the name of the Motherland and merciless revenge for all the atrocities of the Nazis.
I created many posters about the atrocities and robberies of German fascists, which were exhibited on Zagorodny Prospekt and at the Pravda cinema. I fulfilled all the instructions that were addressed to the front: addresses, gifts, greetings to military units.”